1. I love summertime. I am not a big fan of humidity (doesn't mesh well with my curly hair!) but I love the late nights and the hot days. I do miss the freedom that summer brought when I was a kid though. Sure wish I could go back in time and enjoy another carefree summer.
Summer afternoon - summer afternoon; to me those have always been the two most beautiful words in the English language. - Henry James
2. I love to mow the lawn. It was definitely my favorite chore when I was growing up. I like the solitude-ness of it. Unfortunately my husband loves to mow the lawn just as much as I do, so unless he's deployed I don't get to enjoy it anymore. :( hahaha...
"A good wife is one who can mow the lawn in the summer and put up the storm windows in the winter.” - W. C. Fields
3. I love to travel. I wish we were able to travel more often and more extensively. I don't have a desire to travel to South America or Africa, but other than that, I would love to go almost anywhere in the world! That's why I'm really hoping that we get overseas orders again!
“We live in a wonderful world that is full of beauty, charm and adventure. There is no end to the adventures we can have if only we seek them with our eyes open.” - Jawaharial Nehru
4. I love the military lifestyle. I have many friends who are counting down the hours until their husband gets out of the military, but I am enjoying his time serving our country and as happy as I will be when he does get out and we can move back to Ohio, I am just as happy to continue to support his career for the next 10 or so years. The fact that I love the military lifestyle doesn't mean I like my husband deploying, but we both realize that it would be a fact of life if he joined, so we accept it and move in. Gotta do what you gotta do! :)
"I thank God for my life, and for the stars and stripes,. May freedom forever fly, let it ring. Salute the ones who died, and the ones that give their lives so we don't have to sacrifice all the things we love." - Zac Brown Band
5. I love blankets. I don't like to feel exposed, so I love blankets because not only do they keep me warm (because I am always cold!) but they also help me feel protected! Wish is why, if you were to ever visit my home, you would find that I own at least 30 blankets. And I make sure to keep an extra blanket in each of our vehicles, just in case!
6. I love sweet tea. I grew up in Ohio where they just don't serve sweet tea. They make you do the work yourself! Sure is nice to live in Virginia now and be able to order sweet tea. :) Little things make me happy. hahaha...
7. I love to be positive and optimistic about life in general. I can't stand pessimistic people. I don't see what good being negative about anything does. I look for the positive in every situation, and yes, sometimes is hard, but I feel that making the choice to be positive can make a difference, and it's worth it to me!
"If you realized how powerful your thoughts are, you would never think a negative thought.” - Peace Pilgrim
8. I love photography. I love to stalk photography blogs, and I'm amazed at the beautiful photographs that people are capable of capturing. I wish I had that gift! Maybe someday if I practice enough.
9. I love to laugh. I want to laugh everyday. I want to laugh until I cry. Unfortunately I don't always get to. But believe me, I try my best! :) And I constantly get comments about my laugh. My father-in-law loves to hear my laugh. I love that my laugh makes other people happy. :)
"To me, there are three things everyone should do every day. Number one is laugh. Number two, spend some time in thought. Number three, you should have your emotions move you to tears. If you laugh, think, and cry, that's a heck of a day." - Jim Valvano
And there you have it... 9 loves of my life! :)
- Honeybee
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